Opniđ gluggann Frálagsbók.
Adjusts inventory in connection with output of finished items from production.
You can manually enter information, such as the posting date, production order number and the work center or machine center number, or you can use the Explode Routing function to generate journal lines from production orders.
Til athugunar |
If the location on the output journal line uses bins but does not require put-away processing, then you must enter the bin code on the line to specify where the item should be put away in the warehouse. |
You can correct an output quantity by posting a negative quantity in the output journal.
Viđvörun |
If you post a negative quantity at a location that requires pick processing, then no check is made to ensure that a pick document is created for the corrected quantity. Accordingly, you must manually create the needed movement or pick activity if the corrected quantity cannot stay in the bin that it was originally output to. If the location is set up to require bins, then you must manually specify which bin the corrected quantity should be taken from. If you require exact cost reversal, then you must specify in the Jafna fćrslu field which item ledger entry you are correcting. |
With the Framleiđslubók window, you can perform the same tasks as in the Frálagsbók window and at the same time perform the related consumption posting tasks. For more information, see Hvernig á ađ Skrá Notkun og frálag.
Ábending |
Frekari upplýsingar um notkun notandaviđmótsins eru í Vinna međ Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Nánari upplýsingar um hvernig finna má tilteknar síđur eru í Leit. |
Sjá einnig
Hvernig á ađ bóka handvirkt úrkast
Hvernig á ađ bóka afkastsmagn
Jafna fćrslu
Hvernig á ađ úthluta nákvćmri bakfćrslu kostnađar í sölu
Hvernig á ađ úthluta rađ- eđa lotunúmera á fćrslur á leiđ inn
Hvernig á ađ fćra íhluti á ađgerđasvćđi međ einföldum vöruhúsaađgerđum
Hvernig á ađ ganga frá framleiđslufrálagi