Opnið gluggann Áætlunarvinnublað.

Calculates and adjusts an item replenishment plan. You can enter items in the worksheet in the following ways:

When you use this batch job, the program automatically fills in the Action Message field with a suggestion for an action you can take to replenish the item. This could be increasing the item quantity on an existing order or creating a new order, for example.

Planning worksheet lines contain detailed information about the items that need to be replenished and the corresponding order proposals that the program has made. You can edit and delete the lines to adjust your replenishment plan, and you can further process the lines by using the Carry Out Action Message batch job.

The planning system will try to consolidate supplies, for example by increasing existing purchase order lines to include new demand for the same item and vendor.

If a purchase order line with a value in the Verk nr. field is increased by the planning system, then the combined purchase quantity will be posted as consumed by the related job and thereby cause erroneous job costing. You should therefore pay extra attention when posting purchase order lines that contain a job number. Alternatively, you can prevent the issue in the following ways:

  • Manually split the affected purchase order by creating a second purchase order line for the quantity that is not job-related.
  • Set affected items up with a reordering policy of Order, to ensure that the planning system always creates one supply per demand.
  • Set the Sveigjanleiki áætlunar field on purchase order lines to None, to specify that such supplies are newer modified by the planning system.

Warnings and Red Text

Any planning line that is created for an unusual situation will display a warning icon in the Warning field that you can click to read additional information.

On such lines, the Accept Action Message field is by default not checked because the lines require special attention before they can be accepted.

Apart from the different warnings, planning lines may include red text in two situations:

  • If a planning line suggests a starting time earlier than the work date, the value in the Starting Date-Time field is in red text.
  • If a planning line suggests to change a released purchase or production order, the value in Ref. Order No. field is in red text.
    For detailed information about functionality in the Planning Worksheet window, see Hönnunarupplýsingar: framboðsáætlun.

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