Defines how bins are automatically filled according to their capacity.
Reitur | Lżsing |
Prohibit More Than Max. Cap. | If you select this option, a put-away, for example, cannot be processed if the quantity exceeds the maximum capacity of the assigned bin. |
Never Check Capacity or Allow More Than Max. Capacity | If you select this option, the assigned bin is filled until its maximum capacity, and the remaining quantity is not processed. You must then manually create a new put-away line for the remaining quantity. |
If you want the system to always create put-away lines, for example, to use when the bin capacity is exceeded, you can select the Always Create Put-away Line field on the location card.
Įbending |
Frekari upplżsingar um hvernig į aš vinna meš reiti og dįlka eru ķ Unniš meš Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Nįnari upplżsingar um hvernig finna mį tilteknar sķšur eru ķ Leit. |