You can use the Uppsetning tengingar Microsoft Dynamics CRM window to run synchronization for all integration table mappings. This will synchronize data in all coupled records in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV tables and Microsoft Dynamics CRM entities that are defined in the table mappings. By default, only records that have been modified since the last time they were synchronized will be synchronized. The table mappings are synchronized in the following order to avoid coupling dependencies between the entities:

  1. CURRENCY - Dynamics CRM synchronization job
  2. SALEPEOPLE - Dynamics CRM synchronization job
  3. UNITOFMEASURE - Dynamics CRM synchronization job
  4. CUSTOMER - Dynamics CRM synchronization job
  5. CONTACTS - Dynamics CRM synchronization job
  6. RESOURCE-PRODUCT - Dynamics CRM synchronization job
  7. ITEM-PRODUCT - Dynamics CRM synchronization job
By modifying the individual integration table mapping in advance, you can configure the synchronization with filters to control which records are synchronized, or configure it to create new records in the destination solution for uncoupled records in the source. For more information, see Hvernig á ağ: Breyta töfluvörpunum fyrir samstillingu.

To run a full synchronization

  1. In the Search box, enter Uppsetning tengingar Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the Actions tab, in the General group, choose Synchronize Modified Records, and then choose the Yes button.

    The synchronization process starts.

  3. A message appears when the synchronization is completed. Choose the OK button.

You can view the results of the synchronization in the Samstillingarverk samşættingar window. For more information, see Hvernig á ağ: Skoğa stöğu Microsoft Dynamics CRM samstillingarverks.


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