Open the Fixed Asset - G/L Analysis window.

Shows an analysis of your fixed assets (FA) with various types of data for individual assets and/or groups of assets. On the Fixed Assets FastTab, you can set filters if you want the report to include only certain fixed assets. On the Options FastTab, you can choose among a number of options to tailor the report to meet your specific needs.

The amounts in this report are calculated from fixed asset ledger entries based on the posting date. If you have set up integration to general ledger for the current depreciation book, you can find the same amounts in the corresponding general ledger entries. The Fixed Asset - Analysis report, which is similar, uses fixed asset posting dates.


Field Description

Depreciation Book

Select the code for the depreciation book to be included in the report.

Starting Date

Enter the date that you want the report to start.

Ending Date

Enter the date that you want the report to end.

Date Field 1

Specify the second type of date that the report must show.

The report has two columns in which two types of dates can be displayed. In each of the fields, select one of the available date types.

Date Field 2

Specify the second type of date that the report must show.

Amount Field 1

Choose the FA posting type that the report must use for the first amount field.

The report has three columns in which three types of amounts can be displayed. Choose the relevant FA posting type for each column. For more information, see How to: Set Up Posting Types.

Period 1

Specify how the report must determine the nature of the amounts in the first amount field:

  • (Blank) - the amounts consist of fixed asset ledger entries with the posting type that corresponds to the option in the amount field.
  • Disposal - the amounts will consist of fixed asset ledger entries with the posting type that corresponds to the option in the amount field if these entries have been posted to disposal accounts (an amount will only appear for sold assets).
  • Bal. Disposal - the amounts consist of fixed asset ledger entries with the posting type that corresponds to the option in the amount field if these entries have been posted to balancing disposal accounts. You can only select this option if you have selected Write-Down, Appreciation, Custom 1, or Custom 2 in the corresponding amount field. Amounts will only appear if you have specified in the FA Posting Type Setup table) that amounts posted with the posting type in the amount field are not to be included in the calculation of gain/loss.

Amount Field 2

Choose the FA posting type that the report must use for the second amount field.

Period 2

Specify how the report must determine the nature of the amounts in the second amount field.

Amount Field 3

Choose the FA posting type that the report must use for the third amount field.

Period 3

Specify how the report must determine the nature of the amounts in the third amount field.

Group Totals

Enter a group type if you want the report to group the fixed assets and print group totals. For example, if you have set up six FA classes, then select the FA Class option to have group totals printed for each of the six class codes. Select to see the available options. If you do not want group totals to be printed, select the blank option.

Print per Fixed Asset

Select if you want the report to print a line for each fixed asset.

Only Sold Assets

Select if you want the report to show information only for sold fixed assets.


See Also