When a user-defined function or a trigger is executed on a table object, xRec and CurrFieldNo are set differently, depending on how the function or trigger is executed. The following tables explain what happens in the different scenarios.

User-Defined Function

The following table explains what happens to xRec and CurrFieldNo when a user-defined function on a table object is called from either external or internal C/AL code. External C/AL code means that the calling code is in a different object. Internal C/AL code means that the calling code is in the same object (another function in the same object).

Execution initiated by xRec value CurrFieldNo value

External C/AL code



Internal C/AL code




The following table explains what happens to xRec and CurrFieldNo when a trigger is called from either external or internal C/AL code. External C/AL code means that the calling code is in a different object. Internal C/AL code means that the calling code is in the same object (another function in the same object).

Scenario xRec value CurrFieldNo Value

VALIDATE trigger called by external C/AL code that calls the VALIDATE function

Copy of Rec before assignment in VALIDATE trigger

Field number of field being validated

VALIDATE trigger called by internal C/AL code that calls the VALIDATE function



Any table or function called by C/AL that initiates a call to a trigger other than VALIDATE

Copy of Rec before trigger is executed