This walkthrough demonstrates how to set up a budget for a sales campaign and track the results of the campaign using dimensions and the analytical tools available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Dimensions are data that you can add to an entry as a marker so that the program can group entries with similar characteristics and easily retrieve these groups for analysis purposes.
About This Walkthrough
This walkthrough illustrates the following tasks:
Setting up dimensions that you can use to mark transactions
Setting up a new budget
Recording a sales transaction
Retrieving information about posted transactions
Comparing actual results against the budget
Making personalized reports with an account schedule
Printing a report of dimension usage
This walkthrough includes tasks for the following role:
Sales Manager (Kevin)
This walkthrough is based on the assumption that you have some prior knowledge of financial management and accounting in general.
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This walkthrough is intended to be used with the worldwide (W1) version of the CRONUS International Ltd. demo database. You will need to adapt it for use with your country/region-specific version of the demo database. |
Before you can perform the steps in this walkthrough, you must do the following:
Install the CRONUS International Ltd. demo database. (If you have changed the data in the demo database, you should restore the database with the original demonstration data.)
Save the additional sample data in the attached Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet for import during the walkthrough.
To save the additional sample data for import
Save the linked XLS file to your hard disk drive.
The walkthrough uses the demo company, CRONUS International Ltd., to establish, run, and analyze a sales campaign using financial management functionality. The walkthrough story includes Kevin, a sales manager, to exemplify the scenarios.
In the walkthrough, Kevin:
Defines which dimensions and which transactions should be used in relation to the sales campaign.
Creates a budget for campaign-related sales.
Creates a transaction in relation to the sales campaign
Uses the Navigate, registers, and statistics functionalities to handle a customer query.
Analyzes the sales campaign and creates a report showing the bottom-line results of the campaign.
Marking Transactions That Derive from Your Sales Campaign
Using dimensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables you to analyze trends and compare various characteristics across a range of entries. Dimensions and dimension values are user-defined and unlimited, which means that you can create dimensions tailored to your company’s needs and business processes.
You can use the Dimensions functionality to create statements, statistics, and analyses that are extracts of the complete financial statements. These extracts can be created using individual dimensions or combinations of dimensions.
If you set up default dimensions to use with specific accounts, it makes entry posting easier, as the dimension fields are filled in automatically. At the same time, it is still possible to change the default setup on a transaction-by-transaction basis.
You can also support business rules by blocking or limiting some combinations of dimensions, and by specifying dimension priorities.
The following examples illustrate how Kevin the sales manager sets up dimensions and dimension values in relation to a sales campaign that his company is running.
To set up dimension values
In the navigation pane, click the Departments button, and then click Financial Management. On the Financial Management page, click Administration, and then click Dimensions.
In the Dimensions window, select the line with the SALES CAMPAIGN dimension. Click Related Information, click Dimension, and then click Dimension Values.
Note that a summer and winter dimension value has already been set up for the Sales Campaign dimension.
To set up a new value, click New. On the new line, in the Code field, enter NOT KNOWN. In the Name field enter Not known.
Close the window.
In the Dimensions window, select the AREA dimension, and click Related Information, click Dimension, and then click Dimension Values to open the Dimension Values window.
Note how the subsets of a dimension value are indented. This hierarchical structure resembles the structure of the chart of accounts.
Close the Dimension Values window and the Dimensions window.
To assign default dimensions to accounts
Click the Departments button, click Financial Management, click General Ledger, and then click Chart of Accounts.
Select the lines with the Sales of Retail accounts (6105..6195).
Click Related Information, click Account, click Dimensions, and then click Dimensions-Multiple. The Default Dimensions-Multiple window appears.
As an alternative to manually entering dimension information, you can set up default dimensions to ensure that transactions related to, for example, the sales campaign are denoted. The Dimensions-Multiple functionality allows you to specify how a particular group of accounts will use dimensions and dimension values. When one of these accounts is used, dimensions and dimension values will automatically be suggested, for example on a journal line.
You can also enter default information for customers, vendors, and items.
Default dimensions can be changed on a transaction-by-transaction basis.
Click New to insert a line and fill in the following fields.
Field Value Dimension Code
Dimension Value Code
Value Posting
Code Mandatory
Close the Default Dimensions-Multiple window.
Kevin wants to specify a limited dimension combination regarding the dimension values that he just created. The SUMMER campaign does not apply to institutions, and should be blocked from use with dimension value code INSTITUTION in the CUSTOMER GROUP dimension.
To block or limit a combination of dimensions
Click the Departments button, and then click Financial Management. On the Financial Management page, click Administration, and then click Dimension Combinations.
Click the SALESCAMPAIGN/CUSTOMER GROUP cell, and then select Limited. Click OK.
Right-click in the cell, and then click DrillDown. The Dimension Value Combinations window appears.
Scroll down and click the SUMMER/INSTITUTION cell and select Blocked. Click OK.
Close all windows except the main application window.
When two accounts (for example, a posting account and a balancing account) are used in a journal or in a document, different default dimension values may be suggested for the same dimension. This conflict will be resolved by using the default dimension values for the most recently entered account. However, setting up dimension prioritization enables you to prioritize account types so that in, for example, a sales document, default dimensions for customers have a higher status than default dimensions for items.
Kevin has experienced some program conflicts when using the customer account and the IC Partner account on the same sales invoice. He wants to set up priority levels so that dimensions are prioritized when making sales documents.
To set up dimension priorities
Click the Departments button, and then click Financial Management. On the Financial Management page, click Administration, and then click Default Dimension Priorities.
In the Source Code field, select the SALES source code.
The Customer and Item table have already been assigned priority 1 and 2, respectively.
Click a blank line to add a new default dimension priority. Fill in the fields with the following values.
Field Value Table ID
Table Name
IC Partner
Close the Default Dimension Priorities window.
Setting Up a Sales Campaign Budget
You can create budgets by using the Budgets window in the General Ledger application. The Budgets window is a matrix window where you can specify a segment as part of an overall budget using a combination of general ledger accounts, periods, two global dimensions and four budget dimensions as well as other parameters.
Each budget can be filtered using up to six company-defined dimensions (two global and four budget dimensions). An unlimited number of dimension values can be attached to a budget entry.
This makes budgeting in Microsoft Dynamics NAV much easier than traditional budgeting. You can create multiple budgets for the same time period, and by selecting a combination of general ledger accounts, period, and dimensions, you can create a budget segment as part of an overall budget.
The Copy Budgets feature enables you to create a new budget based on historical data. The Export to/Import from Excel feature allows you to distribute budgets for refinement in Excel and then consolidate them from Excel into Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Using the accounts that you just set up with the dimension value SUMMER, you can create a budget for campaign related sales. The following example demonstrates how to create a budget using filters on dimensions.
To set up a new budget
Click the Departments button, click Financial Management, click General Ledger, and then click G/L Budgets.
On the G/L Budgets page, click New to create a new G/L budget name.
Fill in a line in the G/L Budget Names window with the following values.
Field Value Name
2009/2010 Campaign Summer Budget
Budget Dimension 1 Code
Budget Dimension 2 Code
Budget Dimension 3 Code
Select the new line, and then click Edit Budget.
After you have defined specific budget dimensions in the G/L Budget Names window, they are available on the Filters FastTab in the Budget window.
Now you will build the CAMPAIGN budget based on an overall company budget from an .XLS file.
To import budget figures from Excel
In the Budget window, on the Filters FastTab, fill out the filter fields to specify which dimensions to use. Fill in the fields with the following values.
Field Value G/L Account Filter
Salescampaign Filter
Area Filter
On the General FastTab, in the View by field, enter Week.
Click Actions, click Functions, and then click Import from Excel.
In the Workbook File Name field, click the AssistButton.
If you have not already allowed the server to run Microsoft Common Dialog Control on your client, you will receive a message requesting permission to run the dialog control. Allow the dialog control to run. The server will then open the dialog box that you will use to browse for the file on your client computer, in order to upload the file to the server. Browse to the CRONUS International Ltd. Budget.xls file that you saved earlier. Select the Excel file and click Open.
Fill in the remaining fields in the Import Budget from Excel window.
Field Value Worksheet Name
Budget Name
Replace Entries
Imported from Excel
Click OK. In the messages that follow, click Yes and then click OK.
In the matrix, click the amount in a cell to show the entries that make up the amount.
Close the G/L Budget Entries window.
You can create budgets on various dimensions using the Show as Lines or Show as Columns field on the General FastTab.
To view the campaign budget per area, in the Budget window, in the Show as Lines field, enter AREA.
Close the Budget window and the G/L Budget Names window.
Recording a Transaction in the Sales Campaign
The following example illustrates how you can use dimensions to mark a transaction as part of the SUMMER sales campaign.
You make transactions either in journals or in documents. In this example, a sales invoice is created. Since this sales invoice relates to a sales campaign, you will set up shortcut dimensions in the Sales Invoice window to easily enter dimension information on the transactions that relate to the sales campaign.
To create a sales invoice
To create a new sales invoice, click the Departments button, click Sales & Marketing, clickOrder Processing, and then click Sales Invoices. Click New to create a new invoice. Press ENTER to use a number from the number series.
In the Sell-to Customer No. Field, enter 10000.
Note that when you fill in the Sell-to Customer No. field, a range of information is immediately entered on the invoice. This information includes dimensions relevant for this customer.
To see the dimensions that are now assigned to the invoice, click Related Information, click Invoice, and then click Dimensions.
Close the Document Dimensions window.
Because this sales invoice relates to a sales campaign, you can set up shortcut dimensions in the Sales Invoice window to easily enter dimension information on the transactions that relate to the sales campaign. Some of the shortcut dimension fields are not shown on the sales invoice lines, so you will add them in the next step.
Click a sales line, right-click, and then click Choose Columns. Add the following fields to the line: Customergroup Code, Area Code, Businessgroup Code, and Salescampaign Code.
Fill in a sales invoice line with the following values.
Field Value Type
Unit of Measure
Unit Price
Customer Group
To view dimensions
To see all of the dimensions on the line, click Actions
on the Lines FastTab, click Line, and then click Dimensions.
Now the Document Dimensions window displays dimensions and dimension values related to the specific sales line.
Close the Document Dimensions window.
Click Post to post the invoice, and then click Yes.
When you post the invoice, entries will be posted to all related accounts, such as customer accounts, item accounts, VAT accounts, and general ledger accounts.
The integration of the Dimensions feature for transactions enables you to easily define dimensions and dimension values for specific transactions. Dimensions can be set up as the default for specific accounts and these are then automatically included when you create a transaction. Using shortcut dimensions, you can enter dimensions directly on the sales line, so you do not have to open the Document Dimensions window every time that you want to enter a dimension value on a transaction.
Retrieving Information About a Transaction
Sometimes you may need to find information about a posted transaction. For example, you might receive a query from a customer about an invoice. The transparency of transactions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Financial Management is such that queries can be answered in numerous ways from various parts of the product, for example, using the Navigate, registers or statistics functionality.
The following example shows how to find information about a posted invoice using Navigate, registers, and statistics.
First, you will view customer ledger entries to get an overview of a sales invoice that was posted earlier to customer 10000.
To view customer ledger entries
Click the Departments button, click Sales & Marketing, click Sales, and then click Customers.
In the Customers list, select customer 10000, click Related Information, click Customer, and then click Ledger Entries. The Customer Ledger Entries window appears.
In the Customer Ledger Entries window, scroll to the bottom of the window and select Document No. 103022.
To see the dimensions assigned to the customer ledger entry, click Related Information, click Entry, and then click Dimensions.
Close the Ledger Entry Dimensions window.
To use Navigate
Click Navigate. The Navigate window appears.
In the Navigate window, you can get an overview of all entries for the sales invoice. All entries made when posting the invoice are displayed, for example, general ledger entries and VAT entries.
Select the Posted Sales Invoice line and click Show. The Posted Sales Invoice window appears.
Note that it is possible to reprint the posted sales invoice.
To view statistics
In the Posted Sales Invoice window, click Related Information, click Invoice, and then click Statistics. The Sales Invoice Statistics window appears.
Here you can see all entry details. You can view, for example, profit, invoice discounts, and VAT amounts for the posted sales invoice.
Close all windows except the main application window.
Analyzing Results Compared to Budget
The Analysis Views feature is used to group transactions that meet specified dimensions criteria. Analysis can then be conducted based on this.
In the following example, you will create an analysis view for the SUMMER sales campaign in order to be able to make analysis by dimensions and to make account schedules that present the results of the sales campaign.
To set up an analysis view
Click the Departments button, click Financial Management, click Reports and Analysis, and then click Analysis by Dimensions.
You can have as many analysis views as you want, using highly specific filtering criteria such as general ledger accounts, and up to four analysis view dimensions.
Select the CAMPAIGN analysis view, click Actions, and then click Edit.
On the analysis view card, on the Dimensions FastTab, ensure that the analysis view is set up with the same analysis dimensions as the budget, that is: SALESCAMPAIGN, AREA, and BUSINESSGROUP.
Within each dimension, you can specify a filter on dimension values.
Click Related Information, click Analysis, and then click Filter. The Analysis View Filter window appears. Fill in the window with the following values.
Dimension Code Dimension Value Filter AREA
Close the Analysis View Filter window and return to the analysis view card.
On the General FastTab, in the G/L Account Filter field, enter 6105..6195.
Accept the message that appears.
You can also include budgets in an analysis view. There are four budget dimensions and four analysis view dimensions available, so you can always create an analysis view that can be compared with your budgets.
On the General FastTab, click to insert a check mark in the Include Budgets field.
After the analysis view has been set up or changed, an update batch job must be run to gather general ledger entries posted since the last update. You can also click the Update on Posting check box to specify that the analysis view will be updated each time an entry is posted. However, this may affect performance.
Click Update to update the analysis view and accept the message that follows.
Close the Analysis View Card window.
You can use the Analysis by Dimensions feature to view and manipulate the data stored in your analysis views.
The next example demonstrates how to view the data stored in the analysis view.
To view an analysis by dimensions
In the Analysis ViewsList, select the CAMPAIGN analysis view, and then click Edit Analysis View. The Analysis by Dimensions window appears.
The amounts in the Analysis by Dimensions Matrix window represent all general ledger entries with the criteria specified for the selected analysis view. The amounts can then be filtered further by entering information in the filter fields.
You can use the Show as Lines/Columns fields to view the same amounts by dimension values, rather than the traditional G/L Account/Period combination.
On the Filters FastTab, some fields are already filled in. Add the following filters.
Field Value Date Filter
Budget Filter
On the Matrix Options FastTab, in the View by field, select Month.
Analysis views can be compared with budget amounts in a number of ways, including variance percentage.
On the Options FastTab, in the Show field, click the AssisButton to view the different options. For this exercise, select Budgeted Amounts.
Note that there is also a field where you can select the option to Show Amounts in Add. Reporting Currency.
Click Show Matrix to see the results.
Now you will export the analysis of actual amounts to Excel. You can use the Export to Excel function to distribute the analysis for refinement.
To export to Excel
Close the matrix window and change the contents of the Show field to Actual Amounts.
Click Show Matrix and then click Related Information, click Actions, and then click Export to Excel.
Excel opens and the analysis is automatically exported.
Close Excel without saving the document and then close all windows except the main application window.
Making Personalized Reports
You can use the predefined reports to create standard reports of your financial data or you can use the Account Schedules feature to make more personalized reports based on general ledger, budgets, and analysis view data. You can present the account schedule in various formats and modify account schedule entries as necessary.
In the following example, you will make a report showing the bottom-line results of the sales campaign, as well as information on the distribution of campaign revenue across regions and customer groups. This example also shows how to create account schedules.
To create an Account Schedule
Click the Departments button, click Financial Management, click Reports and Analysis, and then click Account Schedules. The Account Schedule Names window opens.
In this window, if the Analysis View Name field for an account schedule contains the name of an analysis view, the account schedule will be based only on general ledger data that has been gathered in the analysis view, that is, analysis view entries.
Note that the CAMPAIGN account schedule is based on the CAMPAIGN Analysis View. In this example, you want to create an account schedule that is based on the CAMPAIGN analysis view.
Select the CAMPAIGN account schedule and click Edit Account Schedule in the Action Pane to show the Campaign Analysis account schedule.
In the Account Schedule window, row names are defined by the person who creates the report and amounts can be taken from specific general ledger accounts, groups of general ledger accounts, or based on formulas. When the account schedule uses analysis view entries, both general ledger accounts and dimension values are used for totalling.
An account schedule can either be printed immediately or viewed.
To view the account schedule overview, click Overview.
In the Acc. Schedule Overview window, you will apply a date filter as you did in the analysis by dimension.
To add the filter pane to the window, click Customize
, and then click Customize This Page. Select the Show Filter pane field, and then click OK.
Fill in the Date Filter field as you did in the analysis by dimension: 12-01-09..03-01-10 and then press ENTER.
Click Show Matrix to view the account schedule overview.
Using the online version enables you to drill-down from all figures to see which entries comprise the total. Click the amount in any of the amount fields to view the drill-down functionality.
To export to Excel
In the Acc. Schedule Overview Matrix window, click Actions, click Functions, and then click Export to Excel.
In the Option field, select Create Workbook and then click OK.
The account schedule overview can be represented visually using graphs and charts in Excel. Note that when you use this function for the first time, Microsoft Dynamics NAV will create and open a workbook in Excel. Subsequently, when exporting the same account schedule, you can select the relevant workbook and Microsoft Dynamics NAV will automatically update all Excel cells, graphs, and charts.
Close Excel and close all windows except the main application window.
Printing a Standard Report of Dimension Usage
There are two specific dimension reports. These reports are based on analysis views and can be created at the detail or total level. The Dimensions - Detail report displays a detailed classification of how dimensions have been used on entries over a selected period. The Dimensions - Total report displays a classification of how dimensions have been used on entries over a period by using total amounts.
In the following example, you will use the CAMPAIGN analysis view and the CAMPAIGN budget to make a Dimensions - Total report.
To print a Dimensions - Total report
Click the Departments button, click Financial Management, click Analysis and Reporting, and then click Dimensions - Total.
In the Dimensions - Total window, in the Analysis View Code field, enter CAMPAIGN.
In the Include Dimensions field, you can specify which dimension information should be included in the report.
Click the AssistButton next to the Include Dimensions field to open the Dimension Selection window.
Click Actions, and then click Edit List to make the window editable. In the Level column, on the line with AREA, enter Level 2.
In the Level column, on the line with G/L Account, enter Level 1. Close the window.
Fill in the remaining fields in the Dimensions - Total window.
Field Value Column Layout Name
Date Filter
G/L Budget Name
Click Preview to preview the report.
Next Steps
This walkthrough has taken you through steps to set up Microsoft Dynamics NAV to track sales campaign results. You have learned how to set up a new dimension value and assign it as the default for transactions posted to the retail sales accounts. You have set up a new campaign budget with figures imported from Excel.
You have created a sales invoice and linked it to your sales campaign using dimensions on the sales lines.
You used different methods to retrieve information about the sales campaign, including using the Navigate window and the Sales Statistics window, and you used Analysis by Dimensions to analyze the data.
Finally, you made reports using both standard and personalized reports.