After you have set your preferred filters in a list place, such as the Sales Orders window, you can save the list as a special view that you can access from the navigation pane. This is a form of personalization that defines how data is displayed, unlike customization, which defines how user interface components are displayed.

To save a filter to create a View

  1. In the Search box, enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.

  2. Set your preferred filters, such as to show sales orders for the location RED only.

  3. Select the Sales Orders page title menu, and then choose Save View As.

  4. In the Save View As window, in the Name field enter a name, such as Sales Orders on RED location.

  5. In the Activity Group field, specify where in the navigation pane you want to place this view.

The next time that you want to access sales orders that are due from location RED, choose the new menu button that you added to open that view of the filtered list.


See Also