Reports can be run directly from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV client or from C/AL code by calling the RUN, SAVEASWORD, SAVEASPDF, or SAVEASEXCEL functions. When a report is run, the application calls the following functions in codeunit 1 to determine which report layout to use on the report.
These functions determine how to handle custom Word and RDLC layouts that are used on the report, which are stored in table 9650 Report Layouts. You can customize the report layout implementation by modifying the C/AL code of these functions in codeunit 1.
Function Call Flow
To use the correct report layout for a report at run time, the report layout functions in codeunit 1 are called according to following flow.
Before the OnPreReport Trigger trigger is invoked, the application calls the HasCustomLayout function.
The HasCustomLayout function determines whether the report is currently set up to use a custom RDLC layout or Word layout, and then calls one of the following functions:-
If the report is currently set up to use a custom RDLC layout, then the ReportGetCustomRdlc function is called after the OnPreReport Trigger is invoked.
This function loads the proper RDLC layout and uses the layout to render the report. -
If the report is currently set up to use a custom Word layout, then the MergeDocument function is called after the OnPostReport Trigger is invoked.
This function loads the proper Word layout and renders the report based on the action from the report request page, such SaveAsPdf, SaveAsWord, SaveAsExcel, Preview, or Print. -
If the report is not currently set up to use a custom Word or RDLC layout, then the built-in layout is used for the report.
If the report is currently set up to use a custom RDLC layout, then the ReportGetCustomRdlc function is called after the OnPreReport Trigger is invoked.
Modifying the Report Layout Implementation
To modify the report layout implementation, you design the implementation and then add C/AL code to the functions in codeunit 1.
To modify codeunit 1
In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, on the Tools menu, choose Object Designer.
In Object Designer, choose Codeunit, and then choose codeunit 1 Application Management.
Add a code to the HasCustomLayout, MergeDocument, and ReportGetCustomRdlc functions.
Save and compile codeunit 1.