Contains the posting date of the warehouse receipt.

Additional Information

The posting date of the warehouse receipt will be copied to the Posting Date field on the source document in the following cases:

  • The posting date of the source document is before (earlier in time than) the posting date of the warehouse receipt.
  • The source document was posted without a posting date.


The following shows how a purchase order posting date may be replaced with the related receipt posting date.

  1. Purchase order 1 is posted on January 10.
  2. Purchase order 2 is posted on January 20.
  3. A warehouse receipt for purchase orders 1 and 2 is posted on January 15.
  4. The posting date of purchase order 1 is changed to January 15, the posting date of the warehouse receipt.

The posting date of purchase order 2, January 20, is not changed because it occurs after (later in time than) the posting date of the warehouse receipt.


See Also