This field is filled in the following way:
Field | Description |
Nonactive | Indicates when a service order allocation entry is created, indicating that no resource has been allocated. |
Active | Indicates when you allocate a resource or resource group to the service item in the service order allocation entry. |
Finished | Indicates when you select the Finished repair status for the service item in the service order allocation entry, or when you reallocate the partly serviced item in the entry. It indicates that the allocated resource or resource group has finished its part of the service task. |
Canceled | Indicates when you reallocate the referred service item in the service order allocation entry, indicating that the allocated resource or resource group has not attempted the service task. |
Reallocation Needed | Indicates when you select the Referred or Partly Serviced repair status for the service item in the service order allocation entry; when you cancel the allocation entry directly; or when you convert a service quote to a service order. It indicates that the resource or resource group allocated has not attempted the service task, or has finished only a part of the task. In either case, the service order allocation entry needs reallocation. |
If you have converted a quote to a service order, the program always changes the status of the allocation entries registered for the quote to Finished when you reallocate the service items in the service order.
Tip |
For more information about how to work with fields and columns, see Working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For more information about how to find specific pages, see Search. |