Shows the country/region code for the customer or vendor to which the item ledger entry is linked.

The field can be filled in from the following fields:

If the entry was posted from an item journal line, the code is copied from the Country/Region Code field on the journal line.

If the entry was posted from a purchase order, invoice, or credit memo, the code is copied from the Country/Region Code field in the Order Address window for the vendor. If no order-address country/region code exists, the code is copied from the Country/Region Code field on the vendor card.

If the entry was posted from a sales order, invoice, or credit memo, the code is copied from the Country/Region Code field in the Ship-to Address window for the customer. If no ship-to country/region code exists, the code is copied from the Country/Region Code field on the customer card.

The country/region code is used in the reporting of INTRASTAT and EU VAT information.


See Also