Specifies the account that Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server must use to log on to the document service, if you want to use a shared document repository.

If you want to use the same folder to store temporary files for all users, you must specify a shared user account. Otherwise, each user's temporary files are stored in their personal document repository on the SharePoint site.

We recommend that you specify a user name that is different than the administrative account. For example, if your user name as an administrator is CronusAdministrator@Cronus.onmicrosoft.com, then the user name for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can be nav@Cronus.onmicrosoft.com or any of the regular user names that you have created.

Additional Information

If your company uses services such as Office 365 and SharePoint Online to store and access your documents, you can set up this service in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Then, when you open a document from Microsoft Dynamics NAV, such as a budget that you want to see in Excel, Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses the document service. For more information, see How to: Configure Online Document Storage.


See Also