Specifies the codeunit that completes the mapping between fields in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and the external data file or service.

When using the Bank Data Conversion Service feature, the codeunit converts exported data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to a generic format that is ready for export. For import, the codeunit converts external data to a format that is ready for import into Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

After mapping, exported data is processed in the Post-Mapping Codeunit prior to processing in the Reading/Writing Codeunit.

After mapping, imported data is processed in the Post-Mapping Codeunit prior to processing in the Validation Codeunit.

The mapping definition is stored in the Data Exch. Mapping and Data Exch. Field Mapping tables.

For more information about the structure of objects in the Data Exchange Framework, see the diagrams in About the Data Exchange Framework.


See Also