Open the Service Order window.

Shows the customer name, service order number, description of the service order, service order status, order date, order time, and contract number, as well as service item lines and service lines. You can print either all service orders or selected service orders.

You can refine the information that is included in your report by applying filters to specific fields. If you do not set any filters, the report includes all your records.


Field Description

No. of Copies

Enter the number of copies of the service order, in addition to the original, that you want to print.

Show Internal Information

Select if you want the printed report to show information that is only for internal use.

Amounts Based on

There are two options in this field, Quantity and Quantity Invoiced. If you select Quantity, the report shows the line amount, the amount including VAT, and the totals based on the difference between the values in the Quantity field and the Quantity Consumed field on the service line of the order. If you select Quantity Invoiced, the amounts displayed in the report are based on the value in the Quantity Invoiced field on the service line of the order.


See Also