Specifies posted serial/lot numbers that can be traced either forward or backward in a supply chain.


When you select this option, the program shows first where the item was used, and then where the item for that particular usage originated.

For instance, suppose that a customer returns a manufactured item with a defective component and you would like to find exactly how and when the component came into inventory. Using the trace method usage->origin to trace the manufactured item, the Item Tracing window shows lines for all the sales shipments. You can then expand the line for the particular sales shipment to show from which production order the item came, and using the Show Components option, you can see where the components came from.


When you select this option, the program shows first where the item came from, and then where the item was used.

For instance, suppose that you discover that manufactured items with a particular lot number were faulty, after they had already been sold to customers. Using the trace method origin->usage to trace the lot number, the Item Tracing window shows a line for the finished production order in which the items were produced. You can then expand that line to see the sales shipments where the items were sold.
