Open the WEB Equipment List window.
Equipment (Overview Page)
The Equipment records in TAG represent the assets upon which you would like to create Work Orders and track maintenance activities. Therefore, you will find housed under the Equipment section of the Main Menu the ability to create and maintain your Equipment structures.
Equipment may be a single level or an unlimited hierarchy of elements (sub-assemblies).
From the main menu, go in Maintenance/Equipment/Equipment: This is the Equipment overview page.
TAG functionality buttons found under all the tabs (Home, Action, Navigate) of the "Equipment Overview" Page:
New The New button opens a blank Equipment Card and allows the User to create a new Equipment either manually or by copying from another Equipment Card.
To create a New Equipment Card, you either tab over the "ID" field to let TAG assign a new ID number or you key in the ID number manually, if the TAG setup allows "Manual" ID entry.
Equipment Card Position the cursor on a Level 1 Equipment and it will activate the "Equipment Card" button and allow the User to Edit an existing Level 1 Equipment.
Sub-Assembly Card - Position the cursor on a Sub-Assembly Equipment and it will activate the "Sub-Assembly Card" button and allow the User to Edit an existing Sub-Assembly Equipment.
Analyze Position the cursor on any level of Equipment and click on the "Analyze" button. It will open the "Equipment Analysis" Page for the Equipment.
The Analyze button is used to view additional details about the nature of the past work performed on an Equipment or a Sub-assembly:
o Lines closed by Operator vs by System.
o Work Order count with or without Work Code.
Additional information:
Work Order Lines closed by TAG:
When "Completing" or "Posting" a Released Work Order, the User may optionally close the Line(s).
If the line(s) on the Work Order are not closed and the Released Work Order is Posted, the system "flags" the Line as being completed by TAG. This is accomplished by placing the characters "TAG" in the "Completed By" field in the Line of the Work Order.
Using this Line designation, the information provided at the top of the "Equipment Analysis" Page presents the Statistics on "Closed Lines" by Operator or System. Any Finished Work Order Line(s) marked as completed by TAG is included in the System total field and any other Line(s) is shown in the Operator total field. Percentages are calculated for the Closed Lines by dividing the Count by Operator and System and dividing by the Total Count. Rollups are also provided by the total of Time (Standard, Estimated and Actual) from the Finished Order Line(s).
If your internal maintenance procedures are such that the Technicians must close the Lines they worked on and if a lot of Lines are closed by TAG, it could be an indication that the work to be done on Released Work Orders has to be revised because the Technicians are not doing it.
Additional information:
Work Codes on the Work Order Lines:
If a "Work Code" exists in the Line(s) of a Finished Work Order it is represented in the "With" total field. If no Work Code exists on the Line(s) it is counted in the "Without" total field. The Percentage field is calculated by dividing each field (With or Without) by the Total field. Rollups are also provided by the total of Time (Standard, Estimated and Actual) from the Finished Order Line(s).
An "Info" icon is provided in the Work Codes section of the:
"Equipment Analysis" Page
"Equipment Hierarchy Analysis" Page.
Once the "Info" icon is clicked, the Work Code Analysis Page is displayed.
The "Count" column on the "Work Code Analysis" Page is a drilldown field. Clicking the "3-dot box" will allow the User to display the "Finished Work Order Line Detail" Page. On this Page, the Finished "Work Order No." field is also a drilldown field providing access to the Finished Work Orders in which the Lines may be found.
In addition, from an Equipment or Sub-Assembly Card (or Overview), the User may access the "Equipment Analysis" Page (but not the "Equipment Hierarchy Analysis" Page) by selecting the "Analyze" button on the Page.
Transfer History The "Transfer History" functionality opens the Transfer History Page and allows a User to view the Equipment moves done with the "Select/Unselect" and with the "Move" functionalities described further in this section.
Capture Hierarchy the "Capture Hierarchy" functionality uses Excel to display the Equipment structure from any Level of Equipment and displays the Sub-Assemblies below this Equipment.
Select/Unselect, Move These two (2) functionalities work together. This functionality allows a User to Move an Equipment, its Sub-Assemblies and its Maintenance history.
There are many reasons to move an Equipment:
Transfer an Equipment and all its Sub-Assemblies to another Region and Facility,
Transfer a Sub-Assembly Equipment in the Shop Maintenance or to a Sub-Contractor,
Convert a Sub-Assembly Equipment into a Level 1 Equipment,
Replace a Sub-Assembly Equipment by a similar Sub-Assembly taken from another Hierarchy,
Simply change the Equipment sorting on the Equipment Overview page,
Steps to make an Equipment Move:
Place the cursor on the Equipment that you want to Move, Level 1 or Sub-Assembly,
Click the "Select/Unselect" button. The text of the selected line will turn blue color in bold,
Highlight the Equipment where you want to move the previously selected Equipment,
Click on the "Move" button. A popup window will open,
Select "After" or "Under" the Equipment where you want to make the move,
Select a "Reason for Transfer",
Click OK.
Hierarchy This functionality displays a list of the entire Equipment Hierarchy to which the highlighted Equipment Level 1 or Sub-Assembly Equipment belongs.
As an example, with only one click, It allows the Users to identify the parent Equipment of a Sub-Assembly Equipment positionned way down in the structure. It is mostly used with complicated Equipment structures.
Refresh Manual The "Refresh Manual" functionality has been created to allow the Users to manually refresh the Equipment Overview Page after a New Equipment has been created or after an Equipment has been Deleted. This functionality compensates for a NAV weakness to refresh the Equipment
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For more information about how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For more information about how to find specific pages, see Search. |