Open the Personnel Capacity Settings window.


The Asset Guardian is the perfect solution for companies with assets that require scheduled maintenance, preventative maintenance, unscheduled repair, inspection or calibration as part of their life cycle. Unpredictable events, such as breakdown repair or requests are also handled with ease. The Asset Guardian allows you to predefine the maintenance intervals for assets as well as the specific technicians, qualifications, tools, outside service providers and inventory required to complete the action. The Asset Guardian never forgets to schedule a maintenance action, never forgets to record the results and always keeps accurate statistics on your assets.

Responses to maintenance actions such as Preventative, Inspection, Breakdown, Request and Calibration may be efficiently handled through pre-defined procedures or on an ad hoc basis in The Asset Guardian. In addition, electronic information such as videos, images, CAD/CAM drawings, or web based materials may all be associated with a work order. In fact, The Asset Guardian lets you define the rules for when an expected action should occur, how it should be handled and what ancillary materials are required to complete the resulting work order. These rules may define maintenance intervals that are time based, meter based or in combination. If you deal with the challenges associated with managing life expectancies or the useful life of spares, you will particularly benefit from the ability to create work orders based on the expected life and/or warranty of a spare.

The Asset Guardian helps you manage and create maintenance work orders resulting from requests, planning purposes or need. To help you manage your work load, The Asset Guardian provides interactive views of your work load by Personnel or Equipment. You can even view your Requests and their current status. The dynamic change feature utilized by all these views empowers you with maximum flexibility to make changes to your work orders and/or technician assignments to meet your demands.

Key Features

• Establish preventative or repetitive maintenance policies using date and/or meter intervals.

• Easily create work orders in response to requests or breakdowns.

• Project future maintenance activities based upon past history and established preventative criteria.

• Build hierarchical structures and create multiple location characteristics for your equipment while managing inventory, personnel and tools in multiple locations.

• Predefine work procedures in single or multiple levels for use in collecting and validating data samples or test results.

• Connect MRO items, consumables, tools, documents and URL’s with maintenance actions.

• Consume Inventory, Tools and Outside Services associated with Work Orders.

• Manage maintenance schedules and personnel assignments through dynamic whiteboards.

• Join skill and certification requirements with personnel and maintenance actions.

• Print Work Orders and Pick Tickets to assist personnel while performing maintenance activities.

• History for requests, preventative maintenance, repair activities, inspections, calibrations and test data is maintained for all equipment in the hierarchy.


The Asset Guardian is an Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS). Virtually anything requiring care can be defined as an asset and its maintenance needs accommodated. For example, production line machinery, vehicles, plant floor machinery, support equipment and other facility assets can all be effectively cared for through The Asset Guardian. With the ability to create a hierarchical structure for your equipment, The Asset Guardian supports multiple sub-assemblies for each piece of equipment with multiple maintenance controls for each element within the hierarchy. This provides you the flexibility you need to manage separate maintenance actions at each sub-assembly.

Should a sub-assembly in your equipment ever move from one hierarchy to another, The Asset Guardian assures that the prior maintenance history moves to the new hierarchy with the element. The life to death maintenance history for any equipment is visible as a result of this feature. Even your personnel can be set up as assets in order to help manage and meet their educational needs or other requirements.

If you choose to project the expected cost and frequency of upcoming maintenance activities, The Asset Guardian allows you to project future actions based upon past history and established preventative criteria. For further statistical analysis, both projections and the data points collected for your Equipment can be exported to Excel with the selection of an option.

Work Procedures

Work Procedures can be defined in The Asset Guardian at a single or multi-level and may be associated with one or more maintenance activities. If desired, outside service providers, spares, consumables and tools can be associated with the procedure. To assist the Personnel in performing work described in the work order, materials may be viewed via the web or accessed locally. Depending upon your level of computer and network enablement, your Personnel can easily view vendor web sites, access images, CAD/CAM drawings, documents and videos.


A critical element in the successful fulfillment of a maintenance or repair event is often who is assigned to the work. It is for that reason The Asset Guardian provides the ability to define your personnel along with their individual certifications and skills. This capability allows you the option to assign the technician for a maintenance activity when it occurs. If you wish, you can even record the actual time it took the technician to complete the maintenance effort as well as each work procedure included in the event. With the ability to record time and data feedback from your Personnel, a valuable repository of performance history is created. You can also establish standard and estimated times for completion of a procedure.

Work Orders

Work orders in The Asset Guardian may be manually created, originate from a Request or be system generated. A single work order may be designated for one or multiple pieces of Equipment. Multiple Personnel and a Supervisor may be assigned to any work order. During the life cycle of a work order, elements such as time, inventory and readings may be recorded. When the prescribed work is complete, the work order may be closed. If you choose, works orders can be partially completed so that only the incomplete work remains open.

The Asset Guardian also allows you to print a Work Detail Packet for a work order. The purpose of the packet is to provide a paper copy for the Personnel assigned to an activity. The resulting printed package may consist of Equipment information, Personnel designations, expected Inventory requirements, Skills or Certification recommendations, tools likely to be used and the detailed work procedures. Pick tickets may also be produced for collection of anticipated inventory needs as well as tools.


For navigational purposes, The Asset Guardian provides a menu driven user interface utilizing Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV. With drop down options, tabs and many of the traditional navigational tools found in other Microsoft® products, The Asset Guardian provides a human navigational interface designed to increase efficiency and promote usability.

In general, the forms presented by The Asset Guardian are structured in the same format with a common functional nomenclature. Each form has a title followed by options, where the form is a menu, or by data fields where you enter and maintain information.


See Also