Open the Tag User Setup List window.

User Setup

Through User Setup, the TAG administrator may control the information a user may access and operations the user may perform.

User ID – Select or enter a valid User ID.

User ID – Once a valid User ID is entered or selected, the User Name will be shown.

Facilities Assigned – Use this drillable field to enter or select one or more Facilities for assignment to the User ID.

Regions Assigned – Use this drillable field to enter or select one or more Regions for assignment to the User ID.

View Unassigned Facilities – Activating this option by clicking will enable the User ID to view transactions or records without a value in the Facility field.

View Unassigned Regions – Activating this option by clicking will enable the User ID to view transactions or records without a value in the Region field.

Default Facility – Select or enter a valid Facility to be used when this User ID creates a new transaction or record.

Default Region – Select or enter a valid Region to be used when this User ID creates a new transaction or record.

Allow Capital Expenditure – When this option is activated, the User ID will be able to designate a Date Meter Policy or Work Order as Capital Expenditure.

Allow Create WO from Request – When this option is activated, the User ID will be able to create a Work Order from a Work Order Request.

Allow Equipment Change – When this option is activated, the User ID will be able to change the Equipment ID in the header of a Work Order. In addition when active, the User ID will be able to change the Equipment ID in any line of the Work Order. If the User ID has the authority (NAV permissions) to delete a record in a Work Order and this option is active the User ID will be allowed to delete a line from a Work Order. If this option is not active, the User ID will not be able to change the Equipment ID in the header or line of a Work Order or delete a line in the Work Order that was not created by the User ID.

Default Requester Text – Enter the text to be used on a Request (Service or Work Order) when created by this User ID.

When security is activated in TAG, users will only be allowed to view information relative to the Facility and/or Regions to which they are authorized.

The purpose of User Setup is to connect users to specific Facilities and/or Regions. By doing so, you are affecting "what" they will see.

TAG may use these codes for Personnel and User Setup to control filtering of information.


See Also