Open the General Equipment Card window.
Equipment Card Page
(Create or Edit an Equipment Level 1 or a Sub-Assembly)
To open an Equipment Card from the Equipment Overview Page, you choose one of the following functionalities:
Click the "New" button to create a New Equipment Card or,
Select an Equipment Level 1 and click on "Equipment Card" button at the top of the page or
Expand the Equipment structure on the Overview Page and select a Sub-Assembly Equipment and click on the "Sub-Assembly Card" button at the top of the page.
The Page for a Level 1 Equipment and the page for a Sub-Assembly are almost identical.
The Sub-Assembly Page:
Doesnt have a Budget FastTab,
In the General FastTab, the "Master ID" to whom the Sub-Assembly belongs is displayed,
In the Service FastTab, there is a field called "Allow Meter Calculation".
The Equipment card Page has eight (8) FastTabs that can be expanded:
Budgets (For Level 1 Equipment only)
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