Open the Navision Item List window.


To assist users when maintaining, inspecting or repairing equipment, TAG provides the ability to associate inventory items with an activity. There are two types of Inventory available for use in TAG; Consumables and Items. Inventory that is defined within TAG are referred to Consumables. Inventory that is established in Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV are referred to as Items.

Consumables may be created or maintained via this Main Menu option. When the Items option is selected on the Main Menu, TAG will present the standard Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV Item Card. Only Consumables are discussed in this User Guide. For further information about Items, please refer to documentation on Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV.

There are three options available for use under the Inventory section of main menu that are relevant to Consumables. The first menu option is Consumables which provides user access to the Consumable Card for viewing, entry or change. The next is Statistics which allows users to view the Statistics on a Consumable or Item without first accessing the appropriate card. Thirdly, is the ability to copy a Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV Item to create a Consumable and is accessed through the Copy Navision Item option.


See Also