Open the Finished Work Order List window.
Finished Work Orders
Finished orders are Work Orders that have been Posted.
In TAG, a Work Order may originate from many sources. It can be manually created, generated by the system (Planning > Order Worksheet > Function > Build Orders option) or created from a Request. Irrespective to how a Work Order is created, there are four (4) types:
• Planned
• Released
• Pending Approval
• Finished
A Released Order is intended to represent work requiring immediate attention. Whereas a Planned Order is intended to represent work needed at some unknown date in the future. Therefore, a Planned Order is like a "sticky note" or a reminder of something that needs to be done when time permits. When TAG is used to generate Work Orders, the user may choose to generate the Work Orders as Planned or Released.
Either Released or Planned Orders are eligible to appear on the Personnel, Equipment or Task Whiteboard. As described in the Whiteboards section of this User Guide, Whiteboards provide a visual presentation of Work Orders. In addition, a Released Order may be Pending Approval. When the Approval Required (Setup > Controls > Validity tab) option is set on, Released Orders are "moved" to this status when completed. Finished orders are Work Orders that have been Posted.
The logical work flow for dealing with Work Orders in TAG is:
• Create Work Orders from a Request, Order Worksheet or manually;
• Perform the work;
• Update the Work Order with Time, Consumption, Notes, etc. and
• Complete the Work Order.
On the TAG Main Menu, there are options that provide access to view, create and maintain Requests, Planned Orders, Released Orders and Pending Approvals. Only Released Orders may be Completed/Posted and Planned Orders may be converted to a Released Order. Pending Approval Work Orders may be updated and/or Posted. Finished Orders may be viewed, but not changed.
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