Open the Released Work Order window.
Released Order
Fundamentally, the information on each Work Order form is identical. Therefore for the purpose of this section of this User Guide, a Released Order will be used as an example. When differences exist between the forms, resulting from different order types, they will be highlighted.
The organization of the information is common to all Work Orders. Each order form is divided into two sections, a Header section and a Step section. At the top of the Work Order, Tabs provide logical views of different Header data elements associated with the Work Order. The information contained in the Header section of the Work Order form changes as each tab is clicked. The bottom section of the Work Order form contains Steps associated with the order. Steps describe the work actions to be taken when fulfilling the Work Order. The information in the Step section of the Work Order form remains constant regardless of which Header tab is clicked.
Underneath the Steps, are found a series of buttons with dropdown options providing differing functions dependent upon the Work Order type. The Order button provides actions dealing with the Header of the Work Order and the Line button provideds activities against Steps.
Released Orders or Planned Orders may be created through manual entry, system generation via the Order Worksheet > Generate Orders function or via the Request Whiteboard > Request > Create Work Order option. For additional information on how the Work Orders are generated, see the sections in this User Guide on Planning and Whiteboards. If work has not begun on a Released Order, it may be converted to a Planned Order. A Planned Order may be converted to a Released Order at anytime.
The manual creation of a Work Order requires use of the Released Orders or Planned Orders option found on the Main Menu under Order Processing. Select the option desired. When the form is presented press F3 to create a new record then enter the appropriate information to populate the Work Order.
Irrespective of how a Released or Planned Order is created, they contain the same essential data elements. However, the method of creation does determine the source from where the information that is placed in the order is obtained. A manually created order requires a user to key the data into the order each time it is created.
Orders created by the system obtain their information from a Policy or a Request. Therefore if Policies are set up, TAG will generate Work Orders without the need for the user to enter information. Policies help minimize the work effort required to create scheduled or preventative Work Orders. Manually created Work Orders are intended to be created in response to break-fix or unplanned maintenance activities.
Requirements for Personnel, Tools, Consumables, Items, Outside Service Providers, Skills and Certifications may be associated with a Work Order. Further, this information may be associated with the Header of the Work Order or with an individual Step in the Work Order.
For example, a maintenance activity may require the use of an air compressor. The user can create an association between the air compressor and the Work Order by setting the air compressor up in the Tools table and attaching it to the Work Order. The same relationship may be performed for one or more Steps on the Work Order.
As was defined in the Planning Section of this User Guide, Work Procedures and Templates can contain Related Requirements. Work Procedures and/or Templates can be added to any Work Order. When added, their predefined associations flow with the Header and/or Step in the Work Order.
One difference between the order forms is reflected in the title of the form that is presented. The top left portion of the form identifies the type of order you are working with (Released, Planned or Finished).
Released Work Order General Tab
No. The TAG assigned number for the Work Order.
Description Description of the Work Order.
Maint. Type Select or enter the type of maintenance to be performed.
Problem Code Select or enter the Problem Code causing the creation of the Work Order.
Work Code Select or enter the Work Code associated with the Work Order.
Priority Assigned priority code for the Work Order. The default value is from the Asset Guardian Setup form as described in the Setup chapter of the User Guide.
Status Select or enter the status of the Work Order.
Order Type Select or enter the type of Work Order.
Temperature Temperature reading associated with this Work Order in either Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Weather Conditions Select the desired entry from the Weather Conditions Code table.
Reason Code Select or enter the Reason Code for the Work Order.
Job No. The Navision Job Number associated with this Work Order.
No. Printed Number of times this Work Order has been printed.
Finished Orders If this Work Order has Consumption Work Orders for it, this drillable field will show the number that have been posted and are Finished.
Pending Approval Orders If this Work Order has Consumptions Work Orders for it, this drillable field will show the number that are Pending Approval.
Released Work Order Scheduled Tab
Supervisor Code Use the dropdown list to select the Supervisor (Personnel) to assign to the Work Order. The Supervisor Code pre-assigned to the corresponding Policy is the default value when TAG generates the Work Order.
Technician Code Use the dropdown list to select the technician (Personnel) to perform the work associated with this Work Order. The Technician Code pre-assigned to the corresponding Policy is the default value when TAG generates the Work Order. When a technician is assigned to or changed on a Work Order, the Skills and Certifications assigned to the Personnel Card are compared to the Skills and Certifications required by the Work Order. If they are different, an error message is displayed.
Order Date The date this Work Order was created.
Document Date The date this Work Order was created.
Expiration Date The date this Work Order will expire is for reference purposes only and, when generated by TAG, will contain the date the Work Order was created.
Requested Service Date The date requested for the work to be started. This is the date under which the Work Order will appear on the Personnel and/or Equipment Whiteboard. If the system generates the Work Order, it is calculated based on the date the order was generated plus (or minus) the PO/RO Lead Time found on the Controls > General tab.
Due By Date The date to complete this Work Order.
Starting Date and Starting Time The date and time the work was started on this Work Order.
Ending Date and Ending Time The date and time the work was ended on this Work Order.
Estimated Time Drilldown
Standard, Estimated and Actual Time These fields are calculated by adding the value in the respective fields from the Steps on the Work Order. Each field provides the ability to "drill down" to view the values used in the calculation.
Total Step Time The value in this drillable field is calculated by adding the value in the Estimated Time from the Steps on the Work Order.
Released Work Order Equipment Tab
The Equipment tab for a Work Order is divided into two sections. The left side of the form contains generic information about the Equipment. The right side deals with controls on how to "treat" the Equipment associated with the Work Order.
Equipment ID The identification number for the equipment covered by this Work Order.
Region The Region Code from the Equipment Card or selected by the user.
Facility The Facility from the Equipment Card or selected by the user.
Area The Area Code from the Equipment Card or selected by the user.
Line The Line Code from the Equipment Card or selected by the user.
Name, Address, Address 2 Name and Address information from the Equipment Card or entered by the user.
City / State / Post Code Additional address information from the Equipment Card or entered by the user.
Country Code Country Code from the Equipment Card or entered by the user.
Contract Contact information from the Facility Card or entered by the user.
Take OOS When this toggle box is checked and the Function > Begin Work option is selected the Equipment associated with the Released Order will be placed in an Out of Service (OOS) condition. In addition to the actions taken on the Equipment Card, a check in this box will cause the message "This order will take equipment Out of Service" to display.
OOS Days, OOS Hours and OOS Minutes The user may enter values representing the amount of time the equipment will be OOS when the work begins.
Use Step Time Clicking this toggle check box will cause TAG to duplicate the values found in the Step Days, Step Hours and Step Minutes fields into the respective OOS Days, OOS Hours and OOS Minutes fields. The action of duplication will replace any values found in the OOS fields with the values found in the Step fields. When this box is checked, the user may not change the values in OOS Days, OOS Hours and OOS Minutes.
Step Days, Step Hours and Step Minutes These fields contain the calculated sum of all Estimated Time from the Step(s) on the Released Order.
Tracking Tab
The Tracking tab is provided to allow users to easily determine how a Work Order was created, who created the Work Order and who last changed the Work Order. The Tacking data fields on a Released, Planned or Pending Approval Order are identical. For a Finished Order, additional data fields are added to show Closed By and Closed Date.
Order Source This field may contain the system-generated values indicating the origin of the Work Order.
Manual A value of Manual found indicates the Work Order was manually created.
Generator - Any Work Order created via Work Orders > Order Worksheet > Functions > Build Orders option will have Generator in this field.
Copied Work Orders created as a result of Functions > Copy Order will have the value Copied in this field.
Request If the Work Order was created from a Request, this field will be populated with Request.
Order Source Type This field may contain the system-generated values indicating the type of the Order Source of the Work Order.
Planned A value of Planned found in this field indicates the Work Order was created using a Planned Work Order.
Released - Any Work Order created from a Release Work Order will have Released in this field.
Finished Work Orders created using a Finished Work order will have the value Finished in this field.
Request If the Work Order was created from a Request, this field will be populated with Request.
Order Source No. This number of the document used to create this Work Order.
UDN Universal Document Number assigned to this Work Order.
Created By and Created Date The date used to populate the Created Date field is the System Date at the time the Work Order was created. User identification information is only captured if Users and User Identifications have been established in your incidence of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Last Modified By and Last Modified Date A change to any data element in a Work Order will cause the associated fields to be updated with the System Date. User identification information is only captured if Users and User Identifications have been established in your incidence of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Policy Type If the Work Order was created via the Generate Orders option on the Order Worksheet, this field will contain the Type of Policy used in the creation.
Policy Number If the Work Order was created via the Generate Orders option on the Order Worksheet, this field will contain the number of the Policy used in the creation.
In addition to the data fields shown on the Tracking Tab, data fields are provided on the Steps of the Work Order. Not limited to, these Step tracking fields include the Line Source, Created By, Creation Date, Last Modified By, Last Modified, Closed By and Closed Date.
A user may add steps to an order after generation of the Work Order via the Order Worksheet. As a result, the value shown in the Line Source on a Step could be either Manual or Scheduler.
Cost Tab
The user may enter the total dollars spent on the Work Order under the Cost Tab to serve as a general reference. TAG accumulates cost via the summation of the entire Consumables, Items, Tools, Personnel and Other costs associated with the order.
An Awaiting Outside Charges check box field is provided on the Finished Order under the Cost Tab. This check box may be checked or unchecked indicating the Order is waiting for outside charges.
Override Tab
On Hold This reference field can be used to enter information about the "on hold" status of the Work Order.
Override Actual Time This reference field may be used to enter the overall actual time to complete the Work Order. Based upon the Actual Time entered in each step on the order, TAG calculates the total time to complete the Work Steps on the Work Order.
Service Meter This field may be used to enter a meter reading for the Equipment on the header of the Work Order. A value entered in this field will be used to update the Meter on the Equipment when this Work Order is posted.
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