Open the Personnel Card window.


This form provides the ability to create and maintain information about the Personnel used to inspect, maintain and repair equipment. TAG provides the ability to associate Personnel with a maintenance activity.

General Tab

No. – The value in this field is either a user entered value or a system generated number for the resource established in TAG. It becomes the identifier and the "key" for the referenced Personnel throughout the TAG applications and database.

Name – Use this field to record the name or to describe the entry in the Personnel table.

Region – The Region assignment for this person.

Facility – The Facility to which this person is assigned.

Personnel Type – Personnel may be designated as either a Supervisor or a Technician.

Supervisor Code – Select from the drop down list of Personnel that are designated as a Supervisor.

Search Name – Use this field to establish a meaningful set of letters, numbers or words to help find this resource through a search. The default is the value entered in the Name field and may be overridden by the user.

Planned Work Orders – This drillable field shows the number of Planned Work Orders to which this person is assigned.

Released Work Orders – This drillable field shows the number of Released Work Orders to which this person is assigned.

Finished Work Orders – This drillable field shows the number of Finished Work Orders to which this person is assigned.

Assigned Date Meters – This drillable field shows the number of Date Meter Policies to which this person is assigned.

Blocked – When you want to temporarily stop the use of a specific Personnel record in the table, check this Boolean field.

Last Date Modified – The date the Personnel Card was last updated.

Personal Data Tab

Title – This, and the following fields, provide entries to describe the resource in detail. When you are setting up equipment or tools as Personnel, consider using a serial number or some other distinguishing descriptor in the Title field.

Address – Intended for use when the resource is a person, the following fields allow you to record demographic information about the resource.

Address 2 – Address continuation.

City – City.

State/ZIP Code – State and zip code.

Reference No. – Internal reference identification for the person.

Education – This entry is for reference only and does not relate to Skill or Certifications discussed later in this chapter.

Miscellaneous – Miscellaneous information regarding this person.

Employment Date – Date of employment or contract start.

Cost Tab

Annual Cost – The value in this field defines the annual cost associated with this person.

Burden Multiplier – Using the value in the Annual Cost, this field is used as a percentage multiplier to calculate the Burdened Annual Cost (below) field.

Burdened Annual Cost – This field contains the result of the multiplication of the Annual Cost field by the Burden Multiplier field.

Hours Available Annually – The manually entered number representing the number of working hours this person is available for maintenance activities.

Per Hour Annual Cost – With an established Burdened Annual Cost, the value in this field will be used to calculate, by division, the value to populate the Per Hour Annual Cost which may be used to cost work activities.

Per Hour Cost Override – If a value is present in this field, it is used to cost a work activity when this person is assigned and completes a maintenance activity.

Whiteboard Tab

Daily Available Hours – Enter the number of hours this person is available, on a daily basis, for maintenance activities. The value entered here is used to calculate Utilization and Availability on the Task Whiteboard and Backlog report.

These following field values are provided to allow the user to control the Personnel treatment on the Personnel and Task Whiteboards. When the Don’t Show field is active (checked), that Personnel record will not be shown in the Whiteboard Personnel list. The 20 character Sort Sequence field provides a way to control the order in which the Personnel records are listed on the Whiteboards.

Sort Sequence – Enter sequence in which this Personnel table entry will show on the Personnel and/or Task Whiteboards.

Don’t Show – When activated, this Personnel table entry will not show nor be eligible for selection from any Personnel selection list.

The following Sort Sequence value assignments were made to the Personnel records to produce the Name list results shown below:

Personnel Record Sort Sequence Value

Unassigned Work Orders 1

Outside Service Providers 99

All Other 50

Task Whiteboard Sort Sequence Example

When a Personnel record is blocked (described above) it will not be shown in lists or on the Dispatch Board. Therefore, before a Personnel record is blocked, a check is performed to assure no Released or Planned Orders exist for the Personnel record.

Blocked Check Box

When such an order exists, a warning message is displayed. The user may elect to Block the Personnel record by selecting the Yes option. If a Personnel record is assigned to a Released Order at the time it is blocked, the record will not be included in the Personnel list shown on the Dispatch Board.


See Also