Open the Sales Prices window.

Specifies the special sales prices and discounts that you have set up for items or customers by combining criteria, such as item number, minimum order quantity, and ending date.

On the Sales Prices and Sales Line Discounts FastTab at the bottom of the Item Card and Customer Card windows, you can define special prices or discounts that you grant for the item or customer if certain criteria are met on a sales document line. Each row represents a special price or line discount. Each column represents a criterion that must apply to warrant the special price that you enter in the Unit Price field, or the line discount that you enter in the Line Discount % field.

Related Tasks

The following table shows tasks that are related to the Sales Prices window, with links to the topics that describe them.


Create an item card for each inventory item or service that you trade in.

How to: Register New Products

Create a customer card for each customer that you sell to.

How to: Register New Customers

Create a sales invoice to record your agreement with a customer to sell products on certain delivery and payment terms.

How to: Invoice Sales


See Also